Monthly Archives: January 2022

2022 – Year of the (Water)Tiger

Next week will usher in the new year, according to the Chinese zodiac. February first begins the Year of the Tiger, a powerful sign representing strength and braveness. Those born under this sign are known for their strong moral compass, competitiveness and confidence, as well as their charm and occasional unpredictability. However, they can also be stubborn and judgmental. Tiger personalities make good leaders because they are hard workers and tend to be ambitious.

Due to their sensitive natures, Tigers can be moody and intense. The Water element will intensify these emotions. Water Tigers are known to be family-oriented and protective. Their interpersonal relationships are very important to them, and they are always looking out for the common good.

Fun fact: the Chinese calendar consists of 12-year cycles that start with the Rat, followed by the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Legend has it that the order was decided when the Jade Emperor challenged all the animals in his kingdom to a great race. The first to arrive at the Emperor’s palace would win his favor and be his personal guards, and that is the reason these twelve animals are featured in the Chinese zodiac.

The current 12-year cycle began in 2020, the Year of the Rat. It was all about survival. 2021 was the Year of the Ox, and it was about learning to navigate a new reality. And how! 2022 is going to be a year of change. It will be a year for adventure! (I’M MOVING TO SPAIN!!!) It is likely to be a year of big surprises, because people are ready to move forward, travel again and be more willing to take risks in order to make progress.

Lucky colors this year will be green and blue, yellow and red. Lucky numbers: 1 & 3. Lucky directions: North & East.

2022 is going to be auspicious for Horses, Pigs and Dogs. Monkeys and Snakes may face some challenges. But for all the zodiac signs, it is a year for pursuing your passion.

Get creative.

Take chances.

Make the changes you’ve been thinking about.

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