Liebster Award

Thank you, Malkire, for nominating me for the



 Here are 11 random facts about me:

  1.  I am 5’4″ (don’t tell the DMV, they think I’m 5’5″)
  2. I am an Aries, through and through
  3. My middle name is Sue
  4. When I was little, I wanted to be a teacher
  5. My favorite band is The Pretenders 
  6. My favorite tea is Rooibos
  7. When I was 15, I met Grace Kelly (and Princess Stephanie and Prince Albert) at their apartment in Paris
  8. I can cuss in 5 languages
  9. I love palm trees
  10. I secretly want a tattoo, of a palm tree
  11. I believe in reincarnation

Here are my answers to Malkire’s questions:

  1. If you could give any gift, what would it be and to whom would you give it? Happiness, to my children
  2. What is your favorite family tradition? We don’t have any
  3. If money were no option what would you do with your life? I would help people truly in need, anonymously
  4. What is the lastest book you have read? Any good? I read the manuscript of my critique partner and it was fabulous. When it comes out I will put the title here!
  5. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I would be taller
  6. What is your favorite personal quality? My sense of humor
  7. If you could meet one person alive or dead who would it be? Audrey Hepburn

    Screenshot of Audrey Hepburn from the film Charade

    Screenshot of Audrey Hepburn from the film Charade (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  8. If you were going to die in one week what would you do? I would try to see everyone that is important to me one last time
  9. What food wouldn’t you try? Durian
  10. If any song could play when you entered a room which would it be? Unbelieveable
  11. What are you afraid of? Snakes

My questions for my nominees:

  1. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
  2. What is your favorite song?
  3. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  4. Who would you pick to play your part in a movie about you?
  5. What is your favorite food?
  6. What is at the top of your “Bucket List?”
  7. Are you a “why” or  a “why not” kind of person?
  8. What was the last thing that made you cry?
  9. Who knows you the best?
  10. Do you believe in reincarnation?
  11. What food do you think should be banned from the universe?

Now it’s your turn! Here’s what you do:

1. Add the award icon to your blog!

2. Link to your nominator to say thank you.

3. Each blogger should post 11 facts about themselves.

4. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you  & create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.

5. Choose 11 up-and-coming bloggers with less than 200 followers, go to their blog, and tell them about the award.

And the nominees are: 

Connected Scribbles

Searching for the Toxic Baby

Conjugating Irregular Verbs

Tales of Dragons, Rabbits and Roosters

Praying to Darwin

A Thought Grows

The Cat Lady Sings

Left of Plumb

Rich Amooi

Lynsie Buchanan

thirsty richmond

Disclaimer: It took me over a month to get this post written and my nominees down. And now that I think about it, I totally messed up with linking to my previous “One Lovely Blog” award. So if you are nominated here please go visit this post to see if you were also nominated there. I know. But the awards will look so pretty on your website. 🙂

XO and Namaste

Categories: Fun Stuff, Writing | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Help Me Help Holly ♥

    Congratulations on the award. How amazing to have met Grace Kelly!


    • Yes, it was quite amazing, even though as a teen I didn’t realize how great it was. I was visiting a friend from school on the way home (to Saudi Arabia) who just happened to be good friends with Princess Stephanie. So naturally we went over to her house. Her mother (Grace Kelly) answered the door, wearing a beautiful kimono, just like any other mother would, warm and welcoming. I treasure the memory. 🙂


  2. Thanks for thinking of me and my blog! I’m honored! There are sure a lot of great blogs out there, aren’t there? Love yours too.


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